“Fast once a month for three days, four days, or for whatever length of time you are able to go without food without harming yourself, and you will feel good.”
Unite! Fast together! Our last meal is tonight, Thursday, October 1, 2020. Our next meal is Sunday evening, October 4, 2020. No food. No juice. Water or coffee and prayers. May Allah bless us all with the spiritual benefits that accompanies the fasts of more than 48 hours.
Will you strive to join us? Do you have any questions? Read How to Eat to Live and/or ask questions right here.
All Praise Is Due To Allah, you have touched my spirit. This is great news and an excellent and worthy plan. You are very welcome.
@Ahmina Muhammad. Yes ma’am. Thank you. I was able to complete the unity fast this month and look forward to next month to strengthen my faith and purify my body along with my beloved brothers and sisters in the nation. PBTA.
@jambeypasha Greetings, our national fast begins on the first Friday of every month to Sunday. Your last meal will be on that Thursday.
Asa. Did I miss the unity fast for November?
Yes sir. I'm in.